
Dove's #StopTheBeautyTest Movement

The arranged marriage process is steeped in narrow definitions and societal standards of beauty. A recently conducted survey titled “India’s Beauty Test” revealed some unsettling statistics about the pressure and anxieties that surround these perceived ideals of beauty and therefore the consequent judgement and rejection within the run-up to an arranged marriage. While an alarming 9 out of 10 single women in India feel that they’re judged and rejected supported their looks during the wedding process, 68% also believe these rejections affect their self-esteem and confidence.

Dove’s latest campaign film #StopTheBeautyTest was born out of the necessity to celebrate beauty altogether shapes, colours, and sizes. Taking inspiration from conversations with women from across the country, it captures some raw situations where women are judged by prospective in-laws for not being beautiful enough and emphasises the unspoken impact of those judgements on their self-esteem and body confidence. With a spotlight on true stories and honest vulnerability, the movement features real women, not actors. These dynamic stories send a strong message — There can’t be one definition of beauty.

Media plays a crucial role in changing societal ideals of beauty. Acting upon this, Priya Nair, executive , HUL & VP – Beauty and private Care South Asia opined, “In a rustic of 631 million women, it’s unfortunate that there’s such intense pressure to stick to at least one definition of beauty. As owners of a number of the most important beauty brands within the country, the onus to form beauty more inclusive is on us. Dove has always believed that beauty should be a source of confidence, not anxiety. With #StopTheBeautyTest, we are going a breakthrough within the right direction.’

The #StopTheBeautyTest movement aims to place an end to the stereotypical standards of beauty and encourage society to breakthrough and rewrite the accepted beauty ideals. Discover these beautiful women as they share their real stories in an attempt to prevent the sweetness test and rewrite societal beauty standards.

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