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How to register on Co-Win step by step guideline

Co-WIN is a platform for the citizens of India to Register for COVID-19 vaccination and schedule their vaccination slots at the nearest vaccination centers.

How to register on Co-Win step by step guideline

What is Co-Win?

Co-WIN is a platform for the citizens of India to Register for COVID-19 vaccination and schedule their vaccination slots at the nearest vaccination centers.

How Co-Win Works and Get Your COVID Vaccination Certificates (image source:


Government of India is taking all necessary steps to ensure that the nation is prepared to face the challenge and threat posed by the growing contagion of COVID-19. The exemplary groundwork and precaution advisory by the Government has helped in containing the spread of the virus in our country. At present, the priority is to make COVID -19 vaccine available to all, ensuring vaccine traceability and beneficiary tracking from production to last mile administration. COVID-19 vaccination drive has been initiated to cover healthcare and frontline workers and is to be scaled up to cover citizens above 60 years of age and and/or citizen above 45 years of age suffering from comorbidities.

Co-WIN application is the digital back bone for the vaccination drive in India. With scaling up of vaccination; the number of vaccination facilities and sessions has to be increased and managed effectively. The CO-WIN application will facilitate the citizen with an option to register and schedule the vaccination session online in Centers of their choice. The Citizen self-registration module will ensure fool-proof identification of deserving candidates for receiving the vaccines. The Co-WIN application facilitates multiple role creations for orchestrating vaccination drive at various levels.

The objective of the document is to handhold the citizens to register and schedule an appointment for vaccination. Currently the application is open for Citizens above 60yrs of age and for People above 45 yrs of age with comorbidities

Features of Citizen Self registration Module

Features of Citizen Self registration Module (image source:

The following features will be available for the Citizen in Self Registration module

  • Register for a vaccination session (with a choice of registering additional 3 members)
  • Selection of Vaccination center of convenience
  • Schedule vaccination Date as per slot availability at a Center
  • Reschedule Vaccination date

Work Flow

Work Flow (image source:


Citizens can register by logging in

Co-Win Register by Login (image source:
  • Enter valid mobile number. Clicks on “Get OTP” button.
  • OTP is sent at the phone number via SMS.
  • Enter the OTP and click “Verify” button.
  • Once the OTP is validated, the “Registration of Vaccination” page appears.
  • Enter details required in the “Registration of Vaccination” page.
Co-Win Registration (image source:

The below table shows the details to be entered in the “Registration of Vaccination” page. Please note that all fields in this Form are Mandatory.

Co-Win Registration Proof (image source:

Once the details are entered for registration, Click “Register” Button at the bottom right.

Receives Confirmation message on successful registration.

Add More Individuals

Once registration is completed; the system will show the “Account Details

Citizen can further add 3 more people linked with this mobile number by clicking on “Add More” button at the bottom right side of the Page

Co-Win Add Account Details (image source:

Enter all the details of the individual to be included and then click on the Add button

Co-Win Add Account Details (image source:

Delete Individuals

Citizen can Delete individuals linked with his mobile number.

CoWin Delete Individuals (image source:

Login with username and password, and Navigate to the dashboard.

Click “Delete” button to Delete a member.

CoWin Account Detail (image source:

Confirmation message will appear on Deletion “Beneficiary Deleted Successfully

Booking Appointment for Vaccination

Citizen can schedule Appointment from the “Account Details” page.

CoWin Schedule / Booking Appoinment (image source:
  • Click on “Calendar” button for Booking Vaccination Appointment or Click “SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT
  • System navigates to “Book Appointment for Vaccination” page
  • Searches the Vaccination Centre of choice by State, District, Block and Pin Code from the dropdowns.
CoWin Book Appointment for Vaccination (image source:
  • On clicking “Search” button, system will display below the list of Vaccination centre as per Search Criteria.
  • Center Name will be displayed at right panel of the page.
  • On clicking any centre at the panel, the available slots (date and capacity) will be displayed.
CoWin Book Appointment for Vaccination (image source:

• Once “Book” button is clicked, the “Appointment Confirmation” page is displayed
• Click “Confirm” button after verifying the details for final confirmation on booking

CoWin Book Appointment for Vaccination (image source:

• Once confirmed, the confirmation page with “Appointment Successful” message will be displayed

Rescheduling an Appointment

  • Once the Appointment is fixed, it can be rescheduled at any later stage but before the vaccination appointment day.
  • For this, Re-login to “Citizen Registration” module; with your already registered mobile no.
CoWin Rescheduling Appointment for Vaccination (image source:
CoWin Rescheduling Appointment for Vaccination (image source:
  • Citizen is Directed to “Book Appointment for Vaccination” page; wherein he can Search the revised date and Center
  • Once the new Date is selected; Click “Book” to reschedule.
  • Confirm by clicking “Confirm” of the revised Schedule.
  • Once confirmed, the confirmation page with “Appointment Successful” message will be displayed.
CoWin Rescheduling Appointment for Vaccination (image source:

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